You have 109 days to shop before Christmas. ======There are 115 days until New Years!

Response.Write is an ASP intrinsic, built-in, object attached to the write method.
The Script that produced what is on the left looks like this:

If dtmDiff > 48 Then
	Response.Write "Still " & TimetoNY & " hours "
	Response.Write "to go till year " & NextYr & "<br />" & VbCrLf
	Response.Write "<p>"
	Response.Write "Already " & dtmDiff & " hours passed since " 
	Response.Write "the beginning of the year " & CurYr & "<br />" & VbCrLf
	Response.Write "</p>"

	Response.Write "The year " &  CurYr &  " has just begun. <br />" & VbCrLf
	Response.Write "<b>HAPPY NEW YEAR !</b> <br />" & VbCrLf
End If

	Response.Write "There are " & TimetoNY & " hours until New Year's " &  NextYr & "<br />" & VbCrLf
	Response.Write "Which gives you " & dtmDiffCurrChristmas & " hours to shop for Christmas <br />" & VbCrLf  


The following is written between the ASP delimiters: <% some ASP Script Code %>.

Still 2765 hours to go till year 2025

Already 6019 hours passed since the beginning of the year 2024

There are 2765 hours until New Year's 2025
Which gives you 2616 hours to shop for Christmas
My Apologies

There are a lot of variables used to produce this page. This is because I am a puzzled learner. I mean I like to break down everything into several pieces and reassemble them. This is how I learn what may appear to be complex. If you can rewrite this page in fewer variables, I would appreciate it. Please, critique me and fill up my comment pages.

Some ASP Code producing the time lines on the left:
The server's time is <%= dtmTime  %> <br />

In one hour the server's time will be <%= dtmLater %> <br /> 
<p>Hours since begining of year equals <% =dtmDiff %> West Coast Time </ br> or  for the East Coast <% =dtmEastTime %> <p/>
<p>Current Year is <%=CurYr%> </p>
<p>The Date is <%=date%> </p>
<p> Christmas Day is : <%=CurChristmas%> </p>

<p> Hours until Christmas date, your shopping hours, are : <%=dtmDiffCurrChristmas%> </p>
<p> Date for beginning of YR : <%=JFCY%> </p>
<p> Date for next New YR : <%=ComingNY%> </p>
<p> Hours to Happy New Year!! from variable function : <%=TimetoNY%> </p>

Hello User.
The server's time is 7:47:02 PM
In one hour the server's time will be 8:47:02 PM

Hours since begining of year equals 6019 West Coast Time or for the East Coast 6022

Current Year is 2024

The Date is 9/7/2024

Christmas Day is : 12-25-2024

Hours until Christmas date, your shopping hours, are : 2616

Date for beginning of YR : January-1-2024

Date for next New YR : 1/1/2025

Hours to Happy New Year!! from variable function : 2765

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