<% If dtmDiff > 48 Then Response.Write "Still " & TimetoNY & " hours " Response.Write "to go till year " & NextYr & "<br />" & VbCrLf Response.Write "<p>" Response.Write "Already " & dtmDiff & " hours passed since " Response.Write "the beginning of the year " & CurYr & "<br />" & VbCrLf Response.Write "</p>" Else Response.Write "The year " & CurYr & " has just begun. <br />" & VbCrLf Response.Write "<b>HAPPY NEW YEAR !</b> <br />" & VbCrLf End If Response.Write "There are " & TimetoNY & " hours until New Year's " & NextYr & "<br />" & VbCrLf Response.Write "Which gives you " & dtmDiffCurrChristmas & " hours to shop for Christmas <br />" & VbCrLf %>
The following is written between the ASP delimiters: <% some ASP Script Code %>.
Still 252 hours to go till year 2025Already 8532 hours passed since the beginning of the year 2024
There are a lot of variables used to produce this page. This is because I am a puzzled learner. I mean I like to break down everything into several pieces and reassemble them. This is how I learn what may appear to be complex. If you can rewrite this page in fewer variables, I would appreciate it. Please, critique me and fill up my comment pages.
The server's time is <%= dtmTime %> <br /> In one hour the server's time will be <%= dtmLater %> <br /> </p> <p>Hours since begining of year equals <% =dtmDiff %> West Coast Time </ br> or for the East Coast <% =dtmEastTime %> <p/> <p>Current Year is <%=CurYr%> </p> <p>The Date is <%=date%> </p> <p> Christmas Day is : <%=CurChristmas%> </p> <p> Hours until Christmas date, your shopping hours, are : <%=dtmDiffCurrChristmas%> </p> <p> Date for beginning of YR : <%=JFCY%> </p> <p> Date for next New YR : <%=ComingNY%> </p> <p> Hours to Happy New Year!! from variable function : <%=TimetoNY%> </p>
Hello User.
The server's time is 12:51:31 PM
In one hour the server's time will be 1:51:31 PM
Hours since begining of year equals 8532 West Coast Time br> or for the East Coast 8535
Current Year is 2024
The Date is 12/21/2024
Christmas Day is : 12-25-2024
Hours until Christmas date, your shopping hours, are : 96
Date for beginning of YR : January-1-2024
Date for next New YR : 1/1/2025
Hours to Happy New Year!! from variable function : 252
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