············        ··········· ···········        ··········· ···········        ···········    ··········

Note each line that displays in ASP begins with a Response.Write object

Initally, no variables are declared for these time functions.
For example dtm=Time

There must be a beginning and ending quotation marks for each Response.Write line.

First, reported is the server time. The DateAdd function adds an hour to the time.
Now, variables are declared.

dtmTime = Time;       dtmLater = DateAdd("h",1,dtmTime)

The concatenation file is written between ASP deliminters with ASP Objects.</h4> ////////////////////////////////////////////// <% @LANGUAGE = VBSCRIPT %> <% 'These are visual basic scripts for 3 inherent fuctions. ' Date, Time, Now ' Note they are not initiated but rather just called. <% If Hour(Now) < 12 Then Response.Write "Good Morning!" Elseif Hour(Now) >= 18 Then Response.Write "Good Evening!" Else Response.Write "Good Afternoon!" End if Response.Write<h4>"This page exposes ASP with VB, Visual Basic, as its default language <br/>" Response.Write "and demonstrates some Date, Now, and Time inherent functions.</h4>" Response.Write "<p><b>Date</b> gives us the current month, day and year.<br />" Response.Write "So, the date is: "& Date() & "</p> " Response.Write"<p><b>Now</b> gives us the current date and time.<br />" Response.Write "So, it is now: "& Now() & "</p> " Response.Write "<p><b>Time</b> is what the clock says.<br />" Response.Write "So, the time is: "& Time() & "</p>" Dim dtmTime, dtmLater dtmTime = Time() dtmLater = DateAdd("h",1,dtmTime) Response.Write "<p>Eastern Day Light Savings Time is: "& dtmLater & "</p> " %>

Good Afternoon!

This page exposes ASP with VB, Visual Basic, as its default language
and demonstrates some Date, Now, and Time inherent functions.

Date() gives us the current month, day and year.
So, the date is: 2/23/2025

Now() gives us the current date and time.
So, it is now: 2/23/2025 1:14:36 PM

Time() is what the clock says.
So, the time is: 1:14:36 PM

Eastern Day Light Savings Time is: 2:14:36 PM